Course catalog that engages!

In Snapper, you have every opportunity to build up a course catalogue
which engages and trains your employees.

Snapper AI Content Creator

Create your own digital courses

Snapper AI Content Creator

Create your own digital courses with AI assistant
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"Out of the box" course catalogs

Find ready-made content from our course partners Videocation and

Completed course catalogues

Complete quality courses from our content partners
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Existing courses

Upload your existing courses

Existing courses

If you have existing digital Scorm courses or buy individual digital courses, this can be uploaded to the course catalogue
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Snapper AI Content Creator

Create engaging learning experiences and courses

Snapper AI-powered e-course tools use advanced AI and ChatGPT technology to create engaging and effective learning experiences and digital courses in a new and revolutionary way.

GO1 course catalogs

Go1 - the world's leading content expert

GO1 has all the courses your organization needs to develop various skills – including training in compliance, soft skills, professional development and much more – all delivered in Snapper

Videocation AS

Quality courses in Norwegian from leading experts

Videocation offers quality courses in Norwegian. Get unlimited access to hundreds of online courses with Norway’s leading subject experts.