Safe and competent employees

Snapper - platform for competence management and learning

Snapper helps forward-leaning HR/HMS departments to gain full control over employees’ skills and certifications and save up to 50% of the costs for administration and follow-up – while improving quality.

Safe and competent employees with SNAPPER

Snapper is a Norwegian software supplier established in 2000, which delivers solutions aimed at medium-sized and large Norwegian companies. We follow our customers from idea to fully developed solution, and assist in processes around strategy and consultancy, design, communication and content, programming, integrations and operation.

Snapper delivers learning portals and apps with the aim of making competence building and learning in organizations inspiring! We help our customers keep competence management in order in the form of good user experiences for employees and managers

Contact us to discuss your competence management and learning needs:

Telephone: 22 37 48 00


Snapper has since 2003 delivered market-leading competence and learning portals and apps with the aim of making competence building and learning in organizations inspiring!

1 +

Uses Snapper to keep full control over the employees' skills and certifications.

Active users
67 +

Uses Snapper to keep their skills up to date and contribute to the company's goals.

67 +

With Snapper, onboarding, certifications, competency requirements, courses and tasks become easy

Satisfied customers:

Three competence challenges Snapper helps you with

Companies have little overview of what competence the individual has - or the need for competence in the future. Snapper allows you, managers and your employees complete competence management

Unclear for managers and employees which competence they must be able to document at all times. Snapper gives you full control, traceability, documentation and notifications on expired skills

Many industries have strict legal and regulatory requirements that must be complied with in order to be able to perform the jobs one is assigned to. Snapper allows you to manage required and statutory competences and alerts when competences and certificates have expired

Snapper helps sports Norway to improve

The trainer certificate is a simple and digital review of the most important tasks for trainers in Norwegian sports. Coaching certificate provides a basic understanding and clarification of expectations of what is required to be a coach, so that athletes encounter a safe environment regardless of coach, sport or club.

Snapper has made it possible for NIF to increase the competence of volunteer trainers in an inspiring and engaging way. The result is a safer and better training environment for children and young people.

FREE Checklist:

Checklist: 7 concrete measures HR can take today to get the most out of employees' skills